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Thursday, January 29, 2009

enrich your marriage.....

its gonna be our V (5th) anniversary next march'09... another couple of months to go.... should we celebrate? for me celebrating is a MUST.... its a VICTORY for us... Victory or Victim... but what V should do to stand for Victory are:-

(i) Vision
wat is our vision to be together? otherwise, we better hangging around.. no commitment..balik dating trus tido..lepak ngan ngan kekwn... kalau teringat, kiter call..kalau tak off jer...so the main vision is..TO GET HER/HIM LICENSED FOR US & TOTALLY OWNED BY US...tul tak? kalau tak, tak yah kawin kalau nak bagi kat org lain.....so owned our spouse solely..get them to feel your ownership....

(ii) Vitamin
pour the vitamin into ur marriage... vitamin ape nak pakai ni? b-complex, vitamin e...? senang , pakai jer multi vitamin... pagi bangun, bukak mata, tgk muka spouse kiter, good morning yang... nak gi kerja, salam, balik kerja salam.. ada masa, mandi sama2..bkn ape..at least, ade gak org leh tolong sental belakang kite..tunggu nak gi spa..bile gamaknye tuh..

(iii) Vacation
vacation kat ner? mana3 pun boleh..psal dulu masa cintan cintun boleh ajer..skrg tak leh pulak? plan ur days, pack ur thing..have fun..

(iv) Value
old is gold... add some value for your marriage..cam saving kat asb...tiap akhir tahun kan dpt dividen..so do wif ur marriage.. top up ur value... how? ur know better..

(v) Versatile
be flexible...versatile..mana mana pun boleh.. mcm kekawan..senang je kite kamcing..treat ur spouse like ur best fren ever.... join him/her.... u'llbe the most needed..

chayunk, i love you...
hmmm....sakit belakangla... tak tahu nak buat mcm mana... dari semalam MC... tak sampai satu bulan lagi tahun ni..dah MC satu hari hari...adeh..nak wat mcm mana... sakit...

Ari ni ni masuk keje pun tak mood sangat... pasal baru lps baik demam..kiranye panjang betul cuti kali..dari sabtu, ahad terus sampai rabu...2hari je kerja...mcm aci tak.. aci la ek..

semlm chayunk gi shopping sorang2 jer kat mall... beli barang2 dapur.. sorry ek yang.. mama demam la... tak larat nak ikut.. on the way back, chayunk called, nak makan ape...sbb chayunk tahu mam tak makan lagi.. nak makan sup la... trus chayunk belikan..thanks chayunk...

tetiba rasa nyesal lak... terpotong rambut hero mama.. so called " terpotong"la..actually bukan terpotong pun...mmg bawak haMIM gi potong rambut pun... mama sendiri yg drive gi...takkan la haMIM sendiri gi ek...he..he... chayunk kata haMim dah tak cute dah... nmpk lebih sana, lebih sini... sorryla Mim...ultraman tetap ultraman.. tak kisah mcm mana pun...
actually mama pun sayang sgt nak potong rambut hamim..tp panjang sgt..lagipun tiap kali hamim lawan ngan raksasa..habis berpeluh satu badan... raksasa tu syok2 aje...(sapa raksasa tuh....:p)..aleh2 hamim gak nak kene gi mandi bagai.. lepas mandi fighting2 lagi...peluh lagi... mandi lagi.. ape2 ajela hamim... tak kisahla.. rambut pendek ke panjang ke... yang penting memang mama sayang hamim...oh ya, kakak pun mama sayang gaks....

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Fuhh.... letih sangat....

Today is Saturday... supposedly dapatla rehat sikit. Tapi tak tahula kenapa boss tetiba pulak nak wat meeting utk set KPI & Division Target utk next year....penat sangat.. terpaksalah cancel plan for my kids...

As i planned before, i wish to bring Hamim & Zaheera for a shopping..kesian sangat kat Hamim. Selipar Hamim dah kecik.. opss..silap, Hamim yang dah besar...he..he...tadi masa angkat Hamim bawak naik ke bilik...perh..! beratnya... tak tahula bape berat Hamim sekarang.. Back in 2006, Hamim was born at 4.0kg..nasib baik set operation awal 3 weeks..kalau tidak, misti Hamim lagi besar... skrg Hamim dah masuk 3 tahun..(next Sep'09)...time flies so fast.. And even for Zaheera.. i just can't believe, i've sent her to Kindy.. She's turn to be 5 dis year... Cepat ekk... tapi kalau lambat, penat lak nak jaga masa baby dulu2 ...

Zaheera has finished her 1st week schooling... the mother (..sapa ek?..) worried so much 'bout her.. could u just imagine, Zaaheera takmo jwb when i askeed her about her school, teachers & frenz.. it is normal? i wish she will enjoy her days there... and so for Hamim, he just stay alone with the maid...he may enjoy all the toys when the sis is not around..(xyah gaduh2 lagi..) but he dun really do... he miss the sister...ya rite, that's so called ..."adik-beradik", rite...

i just finished turn all the lights off.. td Chayunk janji nak layan Mr. & Mrs, Smith sama2.. bile Chayunk naik atas, pastu tak turun2 lagi.. sah-sah memang Chayunk dah tido... takpela Hamim ada teman Mama...

Now sitting on the bed, siap sikit lagi saki baki KPI for the next year (based on Financial year) ... but projected economic will be very very bad.. As i serve in automotive industry, i could see it turned to be really hard phase for us... all what we can do now is...COST CUTTING... that may play us safe..better dun really hope on improve our sales volume, hardly i just say, and badly it is hard to be.. so we just change to "PROFIT MAXIMIZATION"... ok tak.. walau ape yg terjadi, misti kena ade target, then we'll know what to achieve..

so balik tadi, i just think of my family's KPI... chewah! terus2 apply kat umah nih.. hmmm.. can kene bagi tahu Mr. President nih... So i just decide our family KPI to be is....


Dear members,
Mr. President @Chayunk
Ms. Putri Hanin Zaheera
Mr. Muhammad Hamim Zafran

In accordance to this bad economy crisis, kindly noted that our mission for this coming 2009 is
decided to MAXIMISE OUR FINANCIAL HEALTH AND CASH FLOW ENHANCEMENT. Subjected to this new mission, our new life style must be changeed & in line with our objective - to minimise all our OPEX and CAPEX, for sure. As a guide line, please ensure that;
Roles : Mr. & Mrs. President
1. Mama & ayah kalau nak beli barang dapur, misti wat senarai dulu.. jgn main campak je kat troli...(sape selalu buat ek?).
2. Do price comparism.. penting nih.. tul tak?
3. Buy wat we need not what we want.
4. Eating out.. ???? Cut la ..twice/month ker..kijam tak..tak kot..

Roles : Hamim & Zaheera
(he..he.. anda ber2 tak terkecuali)
1. Susu misti minum sampai habis. Jgn buang2. Kalau tak Mama cut terus..K
2. Jgn main air. Tutup air lepas mandi.
3. Ape laagi ek... nanti mama tambah lagi.
Lastly for my two heros, these steps will give us a huge value-added...
1. Mr President leh berhenti merokok tak? We can save more, yang...
2. Mr. Hamim, bilela nak cakap ngan mama nak gi toilet nih.... leh save for your pampers' budget....hmmm
argh.. dah ngantuk dah.. sakit belakang la..ok la nak tido nih.. Chayunk dengkur la.. but its fine, at least, ade gak peneman..he..he..
